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Studio K Coronavirus Updates and Information

Updated: Sep 29, 2021

Studio K Members and Friends:

Since safely reopening in May 2020, Studio K has continued to remain vigilant in our protection against COVID-19 for all members, staff, and guests by adhering to the CDC Guidelines, all Executive Orders for Orange County, and by maintaining a series of protocols. On 7/28/21, due to the resurgence of the virus, a new Executive Order and State of Emergency for Orange County was put into effect. Therefore, Studio K still continues to maintain its ongoing policies and adhere to the following:

  • Although being cleared to go to full capacity, Studio K still remains at 50% capacity for all classes.

  • Six feet of social distance markers remain on the floor and have been refreshed to maintain safe spacing within this 50% capacity.

  • With a constant commitment to cleanliness always, the studio is deep cleaned daily before and after all classes.

  • Lysol, hand sanitizer, and Clorox Wipes are available throughout the studio for all members, guests and staff use.

  • Please continue to bring your own equipment to class including Yoga Mats and Lightsabers. The only equipment that will be provided to all guests are the Ripstix (Drum Sticks) required for POUND. The sticks are fully sanitized before and after each and every use.

  • The lobby area again returns to limited seating with proper six feet of spacing, but masks are again required while in this area whether guests are vaccinated or not.

  • Once in class, masks are encouraged, but not required, so that all guests may breathe properly while physically dancing and working out, which is fully supported in all County Executive Orders, as well as within the CDC Guidelines, however maintaining proper social distancing and respecting the space of others is mandatory at all times.

  • As always, if you are sick or think you may have been exposed to COVID-19, or you have come into contact with someone who is sick or who is confirmed with COVID-19, we kindly ask that you please self-quarantine from the studio for two weeks to protect the safety and health of the Studio K Team and other members.

Thank you so much for your continued kindness and attention as we continue to manage the challenges of this ongoing concern. Our priority and commitment is keeping everyone healthy and safe always, and we deeply appreciate your love and support. On behalf of the entire Studio K Team, we thank you very much and we look forward to having you with us!


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